BREAKFAST made from gluten-free organic oats, fresh fruit, roasted nuts and/or seeds. Delivered cold but warm it up easily if you prefer.
SHOT a boost of goodness in a flavour punch of sour, spicy, and sweet. Fortified with Vitamin D and B-12 to ensure for a balanced nutrition profile.
LUNCH a whole grain base topped with leafy greens, cooked vegetable(s), a nutritious protein source, crunchy nuts, and fresh fruit. Paired with a delicious, creamy dressing. Recommended to eat at room temperature, but also delicious warmed.
DINNER made from cooked vegetables and fibre rich whole grains. Receive a curry one day, and a spelt pasta the next - this bowl gives variety. Recommended to eat warm.
TREAT made from unprocessed and refined sugar free organic ingredients. You won't believe the nutrients inside, they are so good! Receive a bar, fudge, cookie, muffin, cheesecake, our mousse.

SHAKE made from unique combinations and boosted with superfoods such as blue majik powder and acaii. Rich in natural nut protein.


Our key nutrition principles:



We believe in the power of plants! Fruits and vegetables are jam packed with vitamins, minerals, fibres, antioxidants, and carbohydrates. At Eat by Alex, we aim to use more than 10 portions a day. By incorporating more plant-based foods into your everyday diet, we’re not only supporting our health, but securing our future on this planet together.


Clean Eating

To us clean eating is eating ingredients and meals which focus on whole foods rather than processed foods. Read more about what this means here.



We are all about diversity in our menus. This means variety in sources of food, types of foods within one source, colours of foods, and lastly food preparation. Each different food brings its own nutrients, and the bioavailability of a nutrient depends on a person's age, gender, body composition and more. Therefore eating variety ensures you are consuming an adequate amount of all of them.


Start your wellness journey today and join an Eat by Alex nutrition program.

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