5 Minutes with Alex Marmaziu

5 Minutes with Alex Marmaziu


Still or Sparkling?

Sparkling when I’m very thirsty and still the rest of the time.

Caffeine: hell yeah or no way?

Just yes! I used to drink much more coffee in my corporate job. Every moment away from the desk was a great opportunity to grab a coffee 🙂

Since I started EATbyalex, I have become much more aware of the impact of coffee on our bodies and decided to reduce my consumption to the minimum and with occasional weekly breaks. My one caffeine dose a day is a special treat in the morning. I love to wake up to the smell of a cup of cappuccino using my own freshly prepared nut milk.

How often do you travel?

As much as I can. Currently not so often because I really want to spend time in Zurich and grow my business. But I am so happy to be able to respond to this Q&A from my flight to LA. I just spent a few days in NYC and next is Los Angeles. I am there to do research but also to spend time with my husband at our favourite spots.

How do stay fit while traveling? 

That’s definitely a challenge because for me, traveling means eating out and trying as many foods as I can. Since I started regularly training in a gym, I have got into the routine of exercising in the morning. So I try to book a hotel with a gym that allows me to do some daily activity and not feel bad about eating out 3 times a day. I also try to walk and bike instead of taking the metro. For example, I just walked 90km around New York in 5 days #proud.

Favorite ways to workout in Zurich?

Early morning training. I train three times a week from 7 to 8 am so that I feel fresh, strong and good in my body and still have the rest of the day for everything else.

How do you recharge?

I recently created a routine to go to bed as early as possible. So by 9.30-10pm I try to make a move to the bedroom and read my kindle. It usually doesn’t take more than two or three pages to fall asleep 🙂

Beach or mountains?

Beach for the sound of the water, the seawater smells and the sun which gives me so much energy.

Favorite Zurich spot for a healthy lunch?

The EATbyalex LAB because that’s where we test all the new healthy recipes and I get to try many different things every day.

Favorite Zurich spot to indulge?

Maison Manesse. The passion and creativity that Fabian, Benjamin and the rest of the team put into their food is just incredible.

Holiday goals: adventure or relaxation?

A bit of both. I love exploring and trying new places but I also need time to relax. I find it very difficult to make space in my mind when I’m at home so holidays give me the chance to do more of that.


My two hometowns are Zurich and Los Angeles. I feel so grateful for living in such a dynamic place as Zurich. We have a lot of creative people here that make it such a vibrant and fun city to live in. We have clean and fresh air, lakes and rivers to enjoy during the summer, and that’s so special.

Los Angeles is my happy place where no one judges you and you can be 100% yourself. I also love how people live their lives there, waking up early to go surfing or for a morning yoga session on the beach. Healthy food everywhere and people talking to you out of nowhere are things I appreciate so much while I’m there.

Favorite snack?

Cherry tomatoes are my m&m’s.

Must have workout gear?

Comfy yoga pants.

Most memorable travel destination/experience?

Japan and more specifically Tokyo where I had the chance to spend a few weeks. The food, the people and their culture really impress me. There is so much knowledge, passion and dedication to everything they do.

Beauty treatment you can’t do without?

Strong massages like deep tissue massage or Thai massage. I looove that!!!!

Essential beauty or skincare products?

My tinted BB creme from Estée Lauder.

Go to dinner recipe?

Green Thai curry. So easy and it allows me to use all the veggies I have in the fridge.

One thing you can’t travel without?

My mini gold and silver Miu Miu cross bag. It allows me to carry my essentials at all times and it takes no space. I used it so much that it is grey rather than gold and silver, but I love it so much and couldn’t find a replacement ! Anyone who knows me well, knows me with this bag.

Dream destination?

Australia, so much to discover and explore. Food is also meant to be very creative there. Definitely my sabbatical destination because I want to have enough time there.

Most cherished souvenir?

Childhood memories with my brother in the nature playing outdoors. I grew up in the Swiss Jura where we spent most of our time outside building treehouses and bathing in the nearby rivers.

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